God HAS to be Enough

For most of my life I subscribed to and agreed with the mantra "God is enough". 

As a good christian, I nodded my head in agreement and spouted the scriptures that declared this to be truth.

If you asked me all those years if my walk reflected my belief in these words, I would have given an automatic yes...without any consideration for personal reflection before answering.

If you asked me all those years if my prayer life reflected my belief in these words, I would have declared 'of course', basing my enthusiastic response on the fact that I pray, so of course I believe it.  I wouldn't pray if I didn't believe it. 

But in recent months, on the heals of (and still in the midst of) a year of turmoil, uncertainty, betrayal, hurt, financial insecurity, helplessness and heartbreak... I learned that 'God is enough' isn't right at all. 

That was a catch phrase I had integrated into my christian vocabulary, but it wasn't a life giving statement of faith. 

No, the right way to say it is...

God HAS to be enough. 

As I sit with a family member as she cries over broken promises made by a spouse, my heart breaks.  There is nothing I can do to fix this or heal this. I can only pray her into the arms of Jesus.

 God HAS to be enough. 

As I walk beside a family member that struggles to surrender a life long sin pattern over to God and open himself up for healing and restoration, I recognize my inability to fix him and realize the consequences of his sin will forever touch our family.  There is nothing I can do but pray him into the arms of Jesus. 

God HAS to be enough. 

As I consider the costs of supporting our family when jobs have been lost and various crisis have taken an additional toll on limited resources, I am forced to look at what can be done today and let God take care of tomorrow. There is nothing I can do but pray us into the arms of Jesus.

God HAS to be enough.

As I watch from a distance as a dear friend takes the final steps of the journey that will end in the death of her dearly beloved, my heart aches.  I cannot change this for her.  I can only pray her into the arms of Jesus. 

God HAS to be enough.

As I intercede in prayer on behalf of a close friend who desires healing and intimacy with Christ for her wounded and straying children, I am painfully aware of how powerless I am on my own.  I can only pray her and her children into the arms of Jesus. 

God HAS to be enough.

For years, I lived by the mantra, God is enough, but my prayers reflected my true, self reliant nature.  "Here is how I am going to do this or fix this or what direction I am going to move...thanks for being enough to make my plans happen God."  I acknowledge Him but was not reliant upon Him. 

Today I am thankful for a year of turmoil, uncertainty, betrayal, hurt, financial insecurity, helplessness and heartbreak.  God wanted me to go deeper with Him.  He knew I was missing out on the joy and peace of knowing....

He HAS to be enough. 

It is when we come to a place in our journey where we realize we cannot be enough, our family and friends will fall short and not be enough, our best laid plans will go awry and not be enough....and we pray ourselves into the arms of Jesus...we realize it's not good enough to just believe God is enough. 

We have to come to the end of ourselves and fall on our face saying ....

God HAS to be enough. 

God Bless and Keep You,
Copyright© 2012 Feeding a Hungry Soul
Would love for you to leave a note!

When has God had to be enough for you?  Have you been in a place where you were at the end of every resource you had ever depended upon and came to rest in the realization that God HAS to be enough?  Is this an ah-ha moment for you as it was for me recently?  Would love to hear your thoughts...comment link is below :-)

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