Tami has several topics ready to present at your next event.
Each one can be adjusted and refined to your specific needs:
- Weekend Retreat
- 30 - 60 Minute Keynote Presentation
- Breakout Session at a Conference
- Mom's Groups
- Women's Teas
{Tami also finds great joy in pairing a featured song with any message}
God called her out of the music industry and into the home over 20 years ago, and now she sings for the Lord with heart felt passion to glorify His name in song.
Just ask when booking to have this added.
Speaker Fees:
Love offering and expenses
Whatever your allotted budget allows and expenses
Find a topic from the descriptions below
or ask about a customized message
for your upcoming event.
See something on the blog that hits a familiar note?
Tami can bring that message to your group too!

Spend time with Tami diving into scripture that will feed hungry souls, increase intimacy with Christ and leave you and your group craving more of His good word.
- A deep and satisfying personal relationship with God starts with good eating habits.
- Everyday God is sitting at the table, a table He has set just for you. He is in His chair and your chair is pulled out, just waiting for you to come sit down.
- The table is set with a meal created with you in mind. He knows the events of the day you are about to journey into. He knows exactly what kind of soul nourishing meal you need to face that day and He has prepared JUST FOR YOU.
This presentation is all about DISCOVERING the scripture that God has written to feed our soul, APPLYING it to our lives as we exchange good eating habits for bad, and ultimately developing a CRAVING in our soul for this good food.
Applicable Soul Food Recipe Cards are available to accompany this presentation as desired
(may require an additional charge)
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Spend time in fellowship and in His word drawing closer to the one we are created to worship and adore.
- Worship is an act of adoration and praise. The response of my heart to adore and praise God is driven by the depth of my personal relationship with Him.
- As the intimacy in my relationship with God grows, my need to respond grows too.
- Obedience requires that I respond to that need and from that obedience we experience an outpouring of joy.
This presentation is for those that are ready to MOVE from BELIEVING God to WORSHIPING God. Together we will SEEK deeper intimacy in our personal relationship with God so we can be BROKEN and SPILLED out in worship.
Applicable Soul Food Recipe Cards are available to accompany this presentation as desired
(may require an additional charge)
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Whether it's simply an over busy life or an difficult season of life, spend time consuming the words of God to bring you refreshment and strength.
- Are you or have you been in a season where life is hard and there doesn't appear to be any light at the end of the tunnel? Maybe you just find yourself worn out by the daily needs of 'life'.
- As you lay your head on the pillow do you sigh... “I’ll deal with it tomorrow”?
- We live in fleshly bodies that can feel the weariness of a long day or season of life. The good news is we can trust God to refresh us each morning with a reminder of His unfailing love.
This presentation is will give participants time to ACKNOWLEDGE what is making them weary, EXPLORE how God renews us, and EXPERIENCE a time of lifting up our soul to be filled with His refreshing Spirit.
Applicable Soul Food Recipe Cards are available to accompany this presentation as desired
(may require an additional charge)
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A Servant's Heart: Can It Change the World? ~
Let's walk with Mary {Luke 38} and be inspired to live a life that God can use to make a difference.
- Our society rebels against all that the word 'servant' stands for. The world also tells us to stand up and make a name for ourselves; take control of our life plans and do what it takes to make them happen.
- But Mary's response to God's will upon her life reveals a much different perspective.
- Maybe God is not calling us to do something that will change the world, but it might be a plan that could change our life if we will just have the heart response of a servant to his master.
- Are you ready to respond to God's calling over the world's expectations?
This presentation is perfect for events and fellowships leading into the Christmas season. We will EXPLORE Mary's response to God's unexpected calling on her life, COMPARE her walk then with our walk now, and APPLY life lessons from Mary's story to our current situations.
Applicable Soul Food Recipe Cards are available to accompany this presentation as desired
(may require an additional charge)
So let us know if Tami can help with your next event
~from 1 hour to 1 weekend and everything in between.
contact us directly at: