As I mentioned yesterday, this is a study presented from our church pulpit by our associate Pastor, Bro. Ben. This is the continuation of what God laid on my heart from that lesson...
Verses 1-5 of Psalm 95, we find our call to worship. As Ben showed us, this call is for us to REMEMBER. Remember who God is. Remember what He has done. Verses 1-2 tell us that we are to sing and shout come and give thanks. Verses 3-5 tell us what to sing about, shout about and give thanks for.
- We are to remember that He is a great God, a King above all gods (v3).
- We are to remember that He is the creator of heaven, earth and all creation. (v4-5)
- We are to remember that He is our Rock of Salvation (v1)
Psalm 143:8 ~ Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
If you need a refresher for your memory (or would like to print the newly added recipe card for that featured verse), head back over there and remember how we can lay our heads on the pillow each night and instead of saying:
“I’ll deal with it tomorrow”, at the end of a long and troubling day, we can say "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love"
OR, instead of saying:
“Maybe tomorrow will be better”, at the end of a day in a season where nothing seems to be working out, we can say "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love"
So today, as we COME to the table walking on our knees, let's remember GOD. Let's remember who He is. Let's remember what lengths He went to so that we can come to His table and fellowship with Him.
More than remember.... DON'T FORGET! Ben went on to point out that there is not only a call to remember, there is a warning to remember in Psalm 95 as well. Verses 8-11 reminds the reader of a time when the people of God forgot the way they had saved them as they stepped out to claim the promises He had given them. These verses are telling us 'don't forget what God has done for your salvation'! Again, coming back to remembering God's unfailing love.
So the call and the warning are same...but different.
We are called to remember. It's like a call out for a reunion of old friends and family. "Ya'll come...let's get together and remember when....." It's a call to fellowship and joyful rememberances.
We are warned to not forget. This is like a mother telling her child "now don't forget" (visual of finger wagging acceptable here *wink*) This is more than a friendly call to remember, it is a stern admonishment to remember / don't forget!
So we COME to the table walking on our knees so we can REMEMBERwith praises and NEVER FORGEThow God has been eternally faithful and showing His unfailing love.
Oh come, let us sing to the LORD!
Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our Salvation.
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
~ Psalm 95: 1-2
Tomorrow... community! How appropriate that this series would end with a look at how worship is an act of community since this blog is all about us coming together to encourage one another to gather around God's table and increase our intimacy and fellowship with Him. I can't wait...hope you can come back!
Our recipe today is to Remember.
The ingredients are from Psalm 95: 1-2
The directions are to come into His presence with a heart of praise, remembering all that God has done and to never forget His everlasting expression of unfailing love.
CLICK HERE for a printable version of today's recipe for the soul. Make notes on it of how God is speaking, and carry it with you to feed your soul as needed.
WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? Encourage the community today with a comment of what you bring to God's table as a praise of rememberance.

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